Today I am going to share a something adapted from an article by Frederic A. Brussat on Ways to Keep Your Soul Alive.
Learn to recognize the dawn.
Be kind. Seek the Sacred in the Ordinary.
Change the way you see.
Enjoy the world.
Keep your instrument tuned.
Live in a sacred space.
Discover the soul in things.
Do ordinary things.
Dive for ancient wisdom.
Don't focus on what you don't have.
Find some balance. Believe in miracles.
Dance. Sing. Mend.
Go on retreat.
Fan the light. Send messages upward.
Always ask permission.
Let your tears flow. Have a moist heart.
Don't let the world define you.
Revel in your uniqueness. Play your part.
Beware of self rejections. Live lightly.
Turn over a new page. Be a transformer.
Look for God. Watch for Saints.
Love many things.
Don't miss the party.
Practice daily arts. Bring in beauty.
Make the most od what happens.
Live in awe. Discern the meanings.
Avoid distractions.
Have a beginner's mind.
Live this moment. Love.
This is just the beginning of a reflection as I now have the article and will probably quote from it this week; each of these ways to keep the soul alive is important, but some apply more to one person's needs, attractions, gifts, and others are for different persons. All are thought provoking!