The Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Sacred Heart of Jesus,
To Your adoration, I unite myself
To Your burning love, I unite myself
To Your ardent zeal, I unite myself
To Your reparation, I unite myself
To Your thanksgiving, I unite myself
To Your firm confidence, I unite myself
To your fervent prayers, I unite myself
To Your silence, I unite myself
To Your humility, I unite myself
To Your obedience, I unite myself
To Your gentleness and peace, I unite myself
To Your surpassing kindness, I unite myself
To Your universal charity, I unite myself
To Your deep recollection, I unite myself
To Your intense desire for the conversion of sinners, I unite myself
To Your close union with the heavenly Father, I unite myself
To Your intentions, desires, and will, I unite myself.
Love of the Heart of Jesus, inflame my heart.
Charity of the Heart of Jesus, abound in my heart.
Strength of the Heart of Jesus, uphold my heart.
Mercy of the Heart of Jesus, forgive my heart.
Patience of the Heart of Jesus, do not weary of my heart.
Kingdom of the Heart of Jesus, be established in my heart.
Wisdom of the Heart of Jesus, teach my heart.
Zeal of the Heart of Jesus, consume my heart.
Will of the Heart of Jesus, act in my heart.
Adorable Trinity,
We thank you for the favors which you granted Madeleine Sophie.
We ask you to grant us the same grace to be conformed to the Heart of Jesus completely. Amen.
This will give you plenty to pray over until the Second Sunday of Advent when I shall be back from my mini-retreat at the Cenacle in Gainesville.
You can just choose your favorite invocation and stay with it, if you want, but I took each in turn and really found myself remembering to say it during the day and it is a way of union with the Heart of Jesus.
Today is the feast of St. Andrew and the wedding anniversary of my parents!