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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Third Week of Advent

I cannot believe that it is the Third Sunday of Advent already. There are many things that I thought I would have done by now to prepare for Christmas and I have not had time to do. It is the first year that I am still writing Christmas cards and have not been shopping for presents yet. I am trying to keep an Advent peace and prepare by prayer and silence for the coming of Christ and I am sure that what is essential will get done. I went to a Christmas concert at the seminary on Friday night and the first half of the program was an "Advent Concert" and the seminarians were so earnest and well prepared. Then we all went out for hot chocolate and Christmas goodies and then back for the "Christmas concert". It was a cold night for Miami, but full of Christmas spirit so now back to make the most of these two weeks before Christmas. Come, Lord Jesus, is the song in my heart. In school, we sang it in Latin, "Veni, Domine Jesu, veni, veni Domine Jesu, y noli tardare" -at least that is the way I remember it as we sang it over sixty-six years ago as we walked to and from our classes during Advent.

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