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Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday of the First Week in Lent

Well, here I am back again writing my blog. I went to New Orleans and three different people came up to me during the meeting and said that they read my blog everyday!! When I heard that I decided that I must at least allow the opportunity for the Holy Spirit to continue to inspire something everyday to throw out as a reflection for the blog - so here I am again! There was a great deal given me during the last two days for future reflection. What most is staying with me is the question of what is my deepest desire now for myself, for the Society of the Sacred Heart, and for my friends?
We had great sharing of what has been important in our lives during this past year. I shared how much I was enjoying my retirement but also how surprised I was to find myself so "busy" all the time. I am trying to be more contemplative and yet keep up relationships, work on a book, see people for Spiritual Direction, build exercise into my life, etc. Anyway, God is present in all that I do and I am convinced that He leads us and He fills me with joy!
We also had a marvelous tour of most of the Provinces in our International Society as we had two from our Central Team in Rome with us for our Quad Area meeting and they brought slides of young religious in India and Asia, and Africa and told us about how Provinces are now working in regions and sharing resources. I love hearing about the ministries we do and found the entire meeting life-giving. I will no doubt be thinking of it all week!

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