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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Stations of the Cross

Twenty years ago, Pope John Paul II introduced a "new" series of Stations of the Cross that was slightly different than the traditional stations. He eliminated those that were not found in Scripture. Here they are:
1 Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
2 Jesus betrayed by Judas, is arrested.
3 Jesus is condemned by the Sanhedrin.
4 Jesus is denied by Peter.
5 Jesus is judged by Pilate.
6 Jesus is scouraged and crowned with thorns.
7 Jesus bears the cross.
8 Jesus is helped by Simon the Cyrenian to carry the cross.
9 Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem.
10 Jesus is crucified.
11 Jesus promises his kingdom to Dismas the Good Thief.
12 Jesus speaks to his mother and the disciple.
13 Jesus dies on the cross.
14 Jesus is placed in the tomb.
And Pope John Paul added a 15th station: Jesus rises from the dead.

I thought these would be good for our Lenten reflection today. Tomorrow we are half way through Lent and time to renew our resolutions. If they were good ones, we have no doubt broken them and need to begin again!!

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