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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Making God's love known to all

If you are reading my blog, I consider you connected to the mission of the Society of the Sacred Heart of making known God's love to all with whom we come in contact. That, for me, is the Good News, the Gospel we are called to preach. God loves each of us unconditionally! Our mission is to make known the love of His Heart.

This mission is carried on through the Church,
the People of God,
until the Kingdom in all its fullness has come.
The Society of the Sacred Heart shares in this mission
by making known the revelation of God's love,
whose source and symbol is for us the Heart of Christ.

I guess I have always been drawn to God's love as manifested in the Heart of Christ. As a child at the Visitation I was struck by Jesus' words to St. Margaret Mary: "Behold this Heart which has so loved...and this Heart is still loving us and seeking to be loved in return because then we can be changed; the compassion that Jesus shows so often in the Gospels must be ours for everyone. We all have a vocation to spread the Good News that God loves us; God is love!

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