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Monday, June 18, 2012

Dreams are often important

I woke up this morning aware of a wonderful dream and probably should have jumped out of bed and grabbed paper and pen to record it. Instead, I stayed savoring the happiness I was feeling and when I went to record the dream in my journal, I mostly remembered only my feelings. I seldom remember a dream, but when I wake up and do remember one, it is usually significant for me.
My dream this morning had both Mary, the Mother of Jesus and my mother, too, and St. Philippine Duchesne coming to be with me; I think we were at the Academy of the Sacred Heart in St. Charles where I went to school and where I will be renewing the vows I made sixty years ago during a Mass at our Provincial Assembly next month. I think the fact that several of us are going to be renewing vows made 60 and 50 years ago is what may have triggered this dream. I just remember Mary and Philippine with me and felt their love and support and I was filled with joy to see them. They had come to be with me. I cannot remember the conversation but I just felt so good and that feeling has continued all day. I thought it worth sharing with my readers.

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