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Saturday, January 12, 2013

What is Prayer?

I have been reading Ilia Delio's book, "Compassion: Living in the Spirit of St. Francis" and thought I would share some of her thoughts on prayer found on pp.8-9 as I seem to be drawn back to this part for reflection myself.

"Prayer changes us because it is that deep dialogue with God who is the source of our lives. To pray is to be at home with oneself in the presence of God. It is taking hold of one's life with its flaws, weaknesses, and dreams, and sharing these with God."

"Prayer is becoming conscious of our inner self as the self that belongs to God...."

"To become living prayer is to enter a new place of refuge in God, a place of union in love."

"To enter the heart of God is to enter into a new space and a new relatedness to the world. Time takes on a new dimension because life in God in infinite. As prayer gives birth to the new inner universe, the soul expands in love."

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