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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Encounters with God

This is the gate to the entrance of the Academy of the Sacred Heart in St. Charles. Sometimes it helps all of us to go back to early experiences of God. I certainly lived in a holy atmosphere while I spent the four formative years of high school there as a weekly border. There were many times when we prayed together: Morning prayers, daily Mass, Benedictions, etc. - those are not the times I go back to today when I think of encountering Jesus. It was usually when I was able to go to the Chapel alone; I would kneel on the doorstep and just talk to Jesus and listen, too. I kept that habit of little visits even when I went to college. It helped at the old Maryville to have the Chapel central on the main corridor so I passed it often.

Another experience of an encounter with Jesus was in the midst of a thunder storm on the back sleeping porch of my house. One never forgets a "peak experience" of God and I invite you to go back and relive your own moments of encounter with God.

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