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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

An Unexpected Christmas Gift

Veilee  at Oakwood was at 10:30 in the morning with all the music from Handel's Messiah. At the end we all joined in a quote from Barb Dawson in her closing conference of the 2016 Chapter:
"Having received Pope Francis' blessing today not only for ourselves, but also for our families, our communities, our people, let us go forward in hope to live the mission, as women of fire and sowers of seeds of new life."

I picked up a cough overnight it seems and so tried to disguise it until after the 4:00 Liturgy. By 6:00 I realized that I had some kind of illness and went to bed and slept almost 19 hours straight. I woke up to drink tea with honey when the CPN came; went back to sleep except when I woke up to receive Holy Communion, then slept again until 1:00 when I asked for jello - a strange Christmas dinner but all that I wanted. Then I did sit up for some of the afternoon but was back in bed early and slept until awakened about 8:00 in the morning to find out what I wanted for breakfast. I am recovering quickly so it must have been a 24 hour bug that really had me just sleeping. Today I am allowed out of my room as long as I do not cough. It was an unexpected Christmas, but I really only wanted to sleep!

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