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Friday, March 30, 2018

Jesus on the Cross, His mother and his disciple

At the cross of Jesus a group of women and John
- Jesus' last gift and duty, to care for his mother
"Woman, this is your son."
"This is your Mother"
- So we too pray "and at the hour of our death" 
- The new family of faithful disciples of Jesus

Let us dwell on the words: "Behold your son."
a new community is born:
a family for everyone

"My God, my God why have you forsaken me?"

"It is finished"
loved to the end

Jesus dies on the cross - bereft of any consolation
Jesus hands back his spirit to the Father
The divine mission is fulfilled
From his pierced side blood and water flowed

Let us pray in union with Jesus,
Into your Hands, O Lord, I commend my Spirit.

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