As I spend this New Year's Eve in prayer reviewing the year, I am so grateful for another year of life; for relationships with many from all over the world; for the fun times with my community; for the times of retreat, spiritual direction, and the unexpected moments when God reveals Himself in such tender ways... I am also aware of His calls during the past year and my response; my lack of promptness in responding is humbling and a motive for contrition. I am letting my entire life during 2010 pass by and also the big events in this world which have touched all of us and made the world seem small as we sufferered with those in Haiti, Chile, the Far East... and then those who are still fighting for America in a war that seems so senseless...and then we have those who have lost jobs, homes, and those who are now facing poverty in a land of plenty. Still, at this time of year we are aware of how many are really generous and helping others. I need New Year's Eve to think of all of this, to thank, to ask pardon, and to renew my own faith by seeing how God is in all and He has a plan and is leading each of us.
Happy New Year to all! I am going to Mass this evening and then joining my community for prayer and a small celebration. Tomorrow is a special day, too, as it is the Feast of Our Lady!