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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Profession Day in Rome

Our young nuns who will be making their final profession in Rome on Sunday received the name of their group in a conference given by our Mother General. The name is
"To live and love in joy"
and here is an excerpt from the conference given by our Mother General. You can see and read more on our international website; the link to that is on the right in my blog.

"You are called to live and love with joy! What is this joy? It is the certainty that God IS the center of your life. It is the sureness that you are not alone, for Jesus' call is to love with him; that whatever may come in the future, nothing can separate you from God's love. This joy is the confidence of knowing that God goes ahead of you, that Jesus awaits you in the Galilee's of your province, among the peoples to whom you will be sent, where with him you will say to others, "Come and see; you too will see greater things!"/

I love the name and feel that I am also called to renew the name of my own group:
"Apostolic Courage" but with an emphasis this year "to live and love in joy"!

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