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Friday, April 29, 2011

Still Walking With Jesus

Walking with Jesus again today and now with two pictures!
I find myself driving the car with Jesus and it is easy to hear Jesus asking me questions and explaining to me some of the reasons I have the feelings I do, etc. I wonder if this happens to you, too? I guess praying in the car has been one of the big helps in my life as that is time that is given and can either be used to fuss about the traffic or turned to prayer.
I find the prayer of Thanksgiving very helpful in the car as I live in a beautiful city and the lush, tropical foliage is all around us, the sun is usually shining, and the shade from overhanging trees is a real reason to thank God for those trees. Where would we be without trees? Our world is beautiful and it makes me think of the damage caused by the tornado's path through Alabama and the loss of life for many and loss of homes for families who are suddenly without shelter, without jobs, without schools for the children. We take for granted that we will be safe each day, but never know what might happen. Let us learn to walk, drive, and live with Jesus full of trust and hope. "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad."
I am praying with the disciples of Emmaus: "Stay with us, Lord, for the day is far spent...".

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