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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Third Sunday of Easter

We again have the Gospel story of the third meeting of the disciples with Jesus. Peter has decided to go fishing and six join him and they fish all night and catch nothing. How tired and hungry they were when someone calls and asks them if they have any fish. When they reply "No", they are told to cast the net over the right side of the boat. They obey and the net is so full they cannot pull it in as it contains 153 fish! John recognizes then that it is the Lord and Peter, impulsive as ever, immediately jumps out of the boat to be the first to reach Jesus. Jesus has prepared breakfast for them. He has bread and fish on the fire, but asks that they add more fish. I am always caught up in this scene where Jesus is serving them. Then, when they had eaten, Jesus asks Peter three times the same question: "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" I am sure Jesus was giving Peter a way to make up for his three denials. The Gospel presents a rather solemn scene, but I think that once the seven disciples had recovered from the shock of having Jesus with them again and the fact that Jesus had prepared the meal and served them, I think it was a joyful moment and one that they never forgot.

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