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Sunday, October 1, 2017

First Sunday in October

Sunday's Gospel (Mt 21:28-32) has Jesus asking a question of the chief priests and elders. He tells them a little story about a father that had two sons. He told each to go out and work in the vineyard that day. One said, "I will not" but then he went. The other said, "Yes, sir" but did not go. Which did his father's will? They told Jesus that the first son did so then Jesus said:
"Amen, I say to you, tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God before you."...this is good for us to reflect on as we often have choices to make. In the reflection given in "Give Us This Day", Elisabeth Meadows, OSB, says:

"The narrow way, although a choice of the will, is ultimately a choice of the heart. It is not really a path we follow but a voice that beckons.
The son who eventually made the right choice didn't get it right the first time. And sometimes neither do we."

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