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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

We are called to be prophets

One of the thoughts that struck me in the retreat was the reminder that we are all called to be prophets. I think this means for me to not only announce the good news, but to help motivate others to change things that are not so good. This means studying the issues, not being afraid to speak out and to work for a better world. For me, the top issue to be resolved immediately is the plight of the refugees. We are detaining them in horrible conditions; we are creating "concentration camps"! If we saw another country doing this, we would all be against it. Children are being detained in camps for months separated from relatives, having to follow a prison routine; I learned that in the detention camp in Florida the average stay for a child is 67 days. Think what that does to anyone, but especially to the young. We must rally round those who are trying to welcome refugees and allow them to experience the freedom that the United States has always held in such high esteem. We need also to remember that many of our ancestors came to this country as refugees. We have land and resources to still receive others and not lock them up on arrival.

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