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Thursday, September 22, 2022

Composing your own list of names for God

 Muslims pray with the ninety-nine names of Allah. How would you compose your own list of names for God?

I hope to answer letters tomorrow. It is so easy to lose myself in a book and forget that I need to stay in touch with friends, clear out my room which seems to be something that I do every week and then find papers and magazines piling up. I like to have my desk clear except for my laptop, desk lamp, and my gratitude box. However, I clear it often by just dumping everything, including my calendar, into my top drawer so that gets a weekly clearing out and I have neglected to do it for two weeks. I also have a stack of books that need either to be shelved or returned to the library, if they are borrowed books from our libraries. In Rosewood, we have the Society books plus all the other novels, biographies, mysteries, poetry, history books, etc. In the fireside room in Oakwood, we have a spiritual library. I have quite a few spiritual books in my room that I brought with me from Miami and need to begin to get rid of some as my bookshelves are overflowing.

None of this blog is very spiritual, but if it helps you to clear out, then that is good. Most of us find it easy to delay destroying or filing papers, getting rid of extras, and weeding out what is not necessary. I guess I am ready for an autumn clearing out. Do pray that I find the energy and time to accomplish this. Clearing out is not my favorite pasttime. I perfer to read and ignore the messy top drawer!

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