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Monday, October 10, 2011

Between Heaven and Mirth

James Martin, S.J. has a new book: Between Heaven and Mirth: Why Joy, Humor, and Laughter Are at the Heart of the Spiritual Life. (HarperOne, 2011).
It is advertised and reviewed in this week's America and so I ordered it and it was downloaded to my Kindle in less than 40 seconds. I am so grateful for the gift of the Kindle as most books are much cheaper, but I think I really prefer to be able to have a spiritual book in my hand and mark it up as I go along. I can, of course, highlight passages of books on Kindle and make notes, but I mostly use for Kindle for light reading and games. This book is one that I wanted to read at once and pass on the good news to you for this is a book to give joy. I have become a fan of James Martin as he entertains as well as nourishes us in all his writings.
Now, I need to start adding all the books I have been reviewing to my list on the right. I know I still have a few to add and ordered a couple of more this week so I will complete the list for you before I take off on October 14 for St. Louis where I will work in our national archives, see friends, and attend a province week end for dialog with other Religious of the Sacred Heart. While I am away I will not be writing but I am giving you enough suggestions for good spiritual reading to keep you busy. I have not, as I told you from the beginning, read all of these books, but I have dipped into each one and find each worth reading or I would not list it on the right side of my blog!!Normally, I never list a book that I have not read, but this time I feel that I have read enough to know that these are good books for anyone to read. Some of them are outstandingly good!

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