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Monday, October 3, 2011

Putting on the Heart of Christ

Today I will try to give a brief review of Gerald M. Fagin, S.J.'s book that I have been using but have not really read it: Putting on the Heart of Christ: How the Spiritual Exercises Invite Us to a Virtuous Life. Loyola Press, 2010.
The author takes a new approach to the Spiritual Exercises in the sense that he encourages us to foster the 15 virtues that he explores in connection with the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. It is a very practical book and at the end of each chapter there are several questions for reflection and several scripture passages that are connected with the virtue.
Those familiar with the Exercises will not be surprised by these 15 virtues which I am listing for you here from the Table of Contents: Reverence, Gratitude, Freedom, Compunction, Forgiveness, Generosity, Faith, Prudence, Hospitality, Humility, Fidelity, Compassion, Joy, Hope, and Love.
Gerry died rather recently but he had been a spiritual director for 35 years and taught courses on Ignatian Spirituality at Loyola University in New Orleans. I think his book will help us focus on "Who has Christ called me to be?

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