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Monday, November 19, 2018

One last prayer to Philippine

St. Louis Cathedral image of Philippine Duchesne

"The whole universe story has come into being because God is a hidden treasure who longs to be known. And the way—the only way—this knowing can be released is in the dance of unity-in-differentiation which is the native language of love. If it takes a whole village to raise a child, it takes a whole cosmos to bear forth the depths of divine love."

The above quote was taken from Richard Rohr's meditations and I wanted to use it as it broadens our view to the whole cosmos.
Now, I have in front of me one last prayer to St. Philippine from the Soboba Indian Reservation where two RSCJs are still working:

"O holy woman, who prays always, we honor you
You are like the Eagle, soaring high to Creator
Your prayer is like sweet-smelling smoke of sage and cedar
Your presence with us is acorn meal, feeding our spirits and drawing us to Grandfather

O holy woman, who prays always, we thank you
You brought your Society to us long years ago
Your sister are with us even now, in your name
Your love and prayer help us walk the Red Road

O holy woman, who prays always, we ask your blessing
Bless us, your Indian children, and stay with us always
Bless our land, Mother Earth, given by Creator
Bless all people who walk on Mother Earth. May we live together in peace. Amen. Aho!
Marianna Torrano, RSCJ

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