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Wednesday, November 28, 2018


This picture makes me think of peace. I think it is the silence of the landscape, the quietness of the entire scene. I really do not miss living where there is snow, but I miss the beauty of seeing all transformed and there is a hush of peace that envelopes one after a snowfall. 

To go back to images, I am having several come when I just think of snow. First are the lovely white hockey skates with the red plaid lining that I found under the Christmas tree when I was in Seventh Grade. We lived within walking distance of Forest Park in St. Louis. At the foot of the Art Museum there was a lagoon. One part would be cleared of snow so we could skate. We were a large group from school and would go over to skate until cold and tired we were given hot chocolate near a bonfire on the shore. I seem to remember roasting marshmallows, too. Now I wonder who supplied us with such treats, but I guess it was just part of the joy we had at that age.

We finally had some rain last week. It made the whole house quiet. Perhaps all had gone to take naps. I sat and watched the rain and let the quiet seep into me. It was the gentle rain we had been praying for as it would then be able to soak into the earth and water our thirsty trees. It was also an answer to prayer to help control the wildfires!

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