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Monday, April 8, 2019

Our Lenten Journey

We are all on a journey. My spirituality group meets this morning at 8:00 and I am going to continue the theme of the retreat with them by using a few thoughts from our community prayer the first week of Lent. We are reminded that we are on a journey to Eastere, to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. So, "our Lenten journey begins with an invitation to bring our hearts and lives before the Lord...what might we do to prepare for this spiritual journey in order to reach our desired destination?"
 We have less than two weeks now to prepare to enter into the joy of Easter Sunday with Jesus after we have journeyed with Him through His last days on earth and, especially the days of Holy Week when He suffered and died for us to show us His Love.
Our community reflection ended with the idea that we needed to choose life as "this is what we need as we prepare for our journey from today to the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus.

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