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Thursday, July 16, 2020

"We are both a humble and important part of creation."

There is no way that I can figure out this Updated Blog to write under the picture.Today is also the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel,.

However, I think I have found a solution! Only now the picture has vanished again!

To go back to the retreat, we spent time on the afternoon of the sixth day with the Letter of our Mother 

General, Barb Dawson, who wrote to the entire Society of the Sacred Heart. I would like to share the 

last paragraph for our reflection today:

"Surely an essential part of SOLIDARITY is to be humble and meek, to recognize our need of one another

and our need of God. Who more than Jesus can teach us how to live in a DEEPER SOLIDARITY?

Jesus' Incarnation is the ultimate act of solidarity. Jesus humbly chose to become human, to pitch his 

tent among us, to be in solidarity with humanity, to lay down his life for the sake of his friends...."

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