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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Feast of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus

If you want to know what the connection is with the Feast of St. Theresa of Jesus and the picture of a Scottish castle, I can only tell you that this is Castle Blair found surrounded by gorgeous autumn colors in my Perthshire calendar; the above picture is now my screen saver and somehow connects with where I am right now. I do want to share some thoughts from today's homily at the University. First, Theresa died when only 24 and had only been in the Carmelite convent for about seven years yet she is a canonized saint. She did not go to India or China or Japan yet is patroness of missionaries; she only wrote one book, her autobiography, not five hundred like St. Augustine, yet she is a Doctor of the Church! She did not do great things but did everything with love. That is what we are all called to do--little things with great love.

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