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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Our Lady and the Infant Jesus

My first guided imagery session with my guide was at 8:30 on Wednesday morning. One is quite relaxed lying under a blanket on a bed before the music begins. My imagination had me out walking in a rural area; there were hills and a path that I was following but only some wild flowers, no people and no animals in sight. The path took me around one of the hills to a wooded area and there was an inviting large log there. I was alone but asked Our Lady to come join me. She came at once and handed me the Infant Jesus to hold. He was fast asleep and never woke up and was just so small and easy to hold. I think I thanked Our Lady for always coming to me when I needed her. She said, "That is what a mother does." She confirmed me in my desire to live in joy and give joy to Jesus and to others. The music changed then and it seemed as if a whole heavenly choir was in the sky praising God and adoring the Infant Jesus who never even opened his eyes. After that, Our Lady took back her baby and left with the heavenly beings, but St. Philippine Duchesne appeared and sat down next to me. She said that she had come because I had been thinking so much about her and writing about her and she wanted to tell me that she thought I should continue to write this blog with the help of the Holy Spirit. I had been wondering about keeping it going every day as I have been doing this for years, but she gave me courage to continue. And that is enough for today.

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