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Thursday, January 19, 2017

We have set sail...

Thursday always seems to be a special day for me. I look forward to Thursdays; we do not have reunion and there seems to be more time for seeing people, writing letters, and prayer, too. There is a class given on videos, but I decided not to go to that and so have a long afternoon. Nothing seems long here and often I am also seeing my senior student. They had their retreat last week and he said he was eager to talk with me.
I am thinking about the next Sunday's Liturgy. I read that the Jews in the time of Jesus only rested on the Sabbath; it was not a day of worship. I guess that is true but was a new thought for me. I love the Gospel where Jesus calls his disciples to make them fishers of men. I am sure that He is still calling all of us to follow Him and
image from our General Chapter 2016 that says:
'The Society is like a family that decides to set sail in search of new life, a new land. The family brings what is essential from its heritage and wants to share its treasure with all who might read it. To undertake this journey, they must part with what had been essential on land and replace it with what is going to be needed during the crossing. This family is aware that they must be ever more united in order to come face to face with what is yet unknown and to share the Love that is their way of life. They will learn to confront new storms. Each day they and others with them will look together toward the horizon with the hope of finding a new land where the little ones can grow in the atmosphere of trust and safety."
That image needs quite a bit of reflection. What do we bring that is essential and what must we part with and what do we need for the crossing?

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