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Thursday, September 9, 2021

God gives us different calls

 I love this picture, but we need water so badly in California that I fear this little stream has dried up since I took the photo. The West needs water and the East has had too much and will get more, I think, as it is hurricane season still.

I thought that my reflection group in Miami would be meeting in person this year, but they will still meet on zoom and that is a joy for me as I enjoy being with them and find zoom a good way for me to communicate.

I am thinking of the grace of a vocation - any calling is a grace; it does not need to be to religious life. Some calls are clear: a person who has always desired to be a doctor or a nurse; the one who knows that she or he will find a way to paint or sculpture because the artistic temperamnent is strong from youth; then there are those who want only to get married and have a family - that is a vocation, too. I just do not know why we insist on talking about vocation only as a calling to religious life. I feel that whatever we are called to do is important and is our way of pleasing God who is the one who calls us.

God is faithful and continues to call us and we must continue to discern His calls. I think that being in a retirement community is a call for me to become more contemplative. I have more time for prayer and the silence and solitude, so helpful to contemplation, is possible just by staying in my room. I am aware that the many activities here are an aid for many, but I am limiting myself to a weekly book club meeting, the community reunion every Monday, and sometimes the Saturday afternoon movie. However, I do spend time reading and playing Words with Friends on my I-pad. I think writing this blog has been a grace for me and has made me more reflective. I need to wait for the Holy Spirit to inspire me. Today, I am just jotting down what has come into my head. It is not very inspiring!

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