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Thursday, September 16, 2021

We all need a place of rest

 Richard Rohr often speaks of having a place of refuge, a place to go when we are feeling swamped by problems, sad news, overload that suddenly seems overwhelming, and all the things that threaten our interior peace. Sometimes we find that our refuge is a spot we can picture; maybe it is a memory; or maybe it is even a Gospel scene that restores our innter calm. I probably have several places of rest and one that seems strange as it is in the midst of the storm. I can feel the waves tossing the boat and then Jesus comes and says, "Fear not; it is I." And just to hear His words calms me. "Don't be aftaid; it is I."

Someone asked me when I began to keep a journal. I really do not remember, but I know I was keeping a daily journal in Chile before I was made head of the school. Then, I did not have time to write, but I do know I took time on Sundah to write something about the week. I know I have been keeping some sort of a journal for at least fifty-five years. I sometimes miss a day or even a week, but then I am back to jotting something - my journals are just for me so I mix up what I do with thoughts from prayer. I also think that because I alwayhs begin  with "Dearest Lord Jesus' is sort of a letter pouring out my thought and feelings. Sometimes I only write what I am grateful for that day; other times I will have a dialogue with the Lord. I just know that it is helpful for me to keep a journal and when I am not finding time to write, I need to examine what is going on in my interior life.

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