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Saturday, September 4, 2021

So much to pray for

 I am sure we are all finding that our list of people, places, and events to pray for is growing daily. I am following the fire that has advanced nearer to Lake Tahoe. I read that it may be years before the lake regains its lovely deep blue color because of the age and debris from the fire which is still only about 23% controlled. All the homes around south Tahoe have been evacuated.

I pray for the firefighters who are toiling day and night to control fires in different parts and states.

I pray for all those who have lost their homes in the earthquake in Hati, for all those who have died in the earthquake, hurricanes, and from Covid-19.

I pray for all the sick and suffering and for the caregivers, nurses and doctors.

I pray for those who have been left without power in and around New Orleans; having lived through many hurricanes in Miami, I know what it means to lose power for days in tropical weather. I have also lived through earthquakes in Chile without water and electricity. My own memories make my prayer deeper, I think. I also pray especially for my sister-in-law, Anita, who has been fighting leukemia and for my brother, John who has been  spending his days visiting Anita in the hospital.

I am sure each of you have many other intentions - other countries we need to pray for, in fact our own country and the entire world need our prayer. We must continue to pray for governments to work for climate change, ways to feed the hungry, to shelter the homeless, to help those places who do not have water, to welcome the thousands of refugees and aid them as it must be devastating to lose not only your home but also your country. I guess the list of what we need to pray for is much longer as I have not even mentioned the Church and I do pray daily for the Holy Father, the Bishops who need to act together and really begin synods in all the parishes. Some countries have begun to work for synodality but I have not heard what the Bishops in the United States are doing and it is September!

Well, I did not intend to write all this but I guess I am rather overwhelmed and glad that I can say to God, "Here is your world and it needs Your help" and then just keep asking knowing that God hears every prayer.

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