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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Spring is breaking out all over in Miami

We have a butterfly garden in our yard and the buds on the bushes are beginning to open. The pool is heated and so almost comfortable for swimming. We are looking forward to Easter!

In the meantime, we are caught up in this wonderful year of Mercy.
It makes praying with the Passion take on a different emphasis as Jesus is still forgiving, wanted to reach out to all of us with His love and mercy, even as He faces the suffering and death that will leave Him with an open Heart, a pierced Heart, one that asks for our love in return.
"Could you not watch one hour with me?" is His question to His three closest friends, Peter, James, and John. He has just given Himself to them in Communion and ordained them, yet they are too sleepy now in the garden to stay awake while Jesus prays.

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