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Sunday, October 26, 2008

God is compassionate!

The map and the picture are of Perthshire.
This is a Sunday where the Lord says that we should be good to all. The first reading from Exodus 22:20-26 begins: "Thus says the Lord: 'You shall not molest or oppress an alien, for you yourself were once aliens yourselves...'" It ends with God promising to hear us if we cry out to God for he is compassionate. We do cry out. We need help to fulfill the commandments that Jesus says are the greatest: " the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your your neighbor as yourself."

Recalling the Last Days in Scotland
After Iona, I still had two wonderful days in Perthshire. I visited the boarding school for girls, Kilgraston, and hope that American parents who need to find a boarding school for their daughters will discover Kilgraston. It was a Sacred Heart school and still has the spirit; Barbara, a former head of the school, took me on a tour and I was quite impressed not only by the lovely rooms, Chapel, new sports complex with an indoor swimming pool, but by the graciousness and happiness of both students and teachers that we met in the halls or classrooms. We returned to the Garden Cottage to have tea outside in the sun. I offer this as proof that October can be mild and sunny in Scotland.
Jane picked me up and we went to her favorite spot, a house-hotel on the river Tay. As we drove into the estate, we needed to wait for pheasants to cross the road-lovely, plump ones. We had the spacious dining room almost to ourselves and then took our tea afterwards in the drawing room. Both elegant rooms overlook the river Tay and we could watch three men in a small boat fishing. It was a wonderful place to sit and talk and talk we did; I feel as if I have always known Jane, but how good to be face-to-face!
The next day, I went to Mass with Jenny and then to Jenny's; Jane, Jenny, Ruth (my third student from Scotland in the International Online Certificate Program in Spirituality Studies), a friend of theirs, Sally, and I had lunch together in an organic restaurant and then Sally and Ruth drove me back to Edinburgh. It was such a wonderful five days that I cannot begin to tell you the joy I felt.

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