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Friday, March 27, 2009

Miscellaneous Day

This Friday it is time for a Miscellaneous Day! I have had a poem that I have been wanting to share that was written by a holy Religious of the Sacred Heart in Scotland, Sister Nano McHardy. She is dead now and had been deaf for years. This poem had a note that said it was written by Sister McHardy after she knew she was to be completely deaf; I think she was only about 25 years old at the time. She was born in 1903 and only died in 2007 so she had a long life and was noted for her beautiful smile and her loving, impish personality. This poem has a refrain worth repeating and reflecting upon:
Refrain: "His will is my cell and my solitude His Love,I have found my heaven above.

Imprisoned in this cell so free, so free am I
As soaring song of lark unfettered in the sky.
There is no power of friend or foe
can bind or capture me.
For in His Will I'm in the Truth,
And the Truth shall set me free.

Refrain: "His will is my cell and my solitude His Love,I have found my heaven above.

My solitude is sweeter
Than the comp'ny of the wise,
For Love transformed my desert
Into a paradise.
Where streams of grace break out and flow
And lilies bud and bloom,
And a beggar-maid becomes a Bride
To the Son of God--her Groom.

Refrain: "His will is my cell and my solitude His Love,I have found my heaven above.


mary camilleri said...

A beautiful poem

Helen said...

Thank you. I thought so, too.