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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Fraternal love increases our capacity for joy

We continue with thoughts for reflection from the Pope's Exhortation on Holiness:

128. Pope Francis tells us that "I am speaking of a joy lived in communion, which shares and is shared, since 'there is more happiness in giving than in receiving' (Acts 20:35) and 'God loves a cheerful giver'(2 Cor 9:7). Fraternal love increases our capacity for joy, since it makes us capable of rejoicing in the good of others: 'Rejoice with those who rejoice'(Rom 12:15). 'We rejoice when we are weak and you are strong'(2 Cor 13:9). On the other hand, when we focus primarily on our own needs, we condemn ourselves to a joyless existence."

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