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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Cool off with this picture

Just the contemplation of this picture makes me feel not only cool but calm. It is a contemplative moment and I rejoice in the beauty.

One habit that I am cultivating is saying grace before and after meals. Sometimes, one at my table says at the end: 
Rub - a- dub, dub; thanks for the grub; yeah, God!

The grace my sister loves is one that an Irish RSCJ taught us when we were visiting in Dublin. I am asked here to say it, too:
"Lord, we ask you to bless the cook, the food, and the dishes, as you blessed the loaves and fishes. And, as the sugar in the tea, let us be stirred by Thee."

Now all that is to introduce a quote I found and love from Rabbi Herschel Schachter:
"By saying grace, we release the divine sparks in our food."

Tomorrow is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. The next station on my inner journey so I will need to leave the mountain where I have been with Jesus since the Feast of the Transfiguration and be with Mary as she joins her Son in heaven to be our heavenly mother and Queen of Angels, etc.

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