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Friday, May 29, 2020

May Crownings

Our schools have always given importance to the month of Mary and, before the end of May, there is a May Crowning of the statue of Our Lady that is usually found in a grotto somewhere on the school grounds. This year, with the sheltering in place, some of our schools have been very creative and have made videos with children offering their flowers to Mary even from home. You can find some of these in Heartbeat which is online on the Province website:
There are many good things to be found on our website. I am always amazed that many of the RSCJs do not check our website or the International one. Some have asked how to find my blog and I tell them that they can find it daily on the website or sign up for it by email. 
I just want to close with this quote that I received in a note:
"In all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

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