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Monday, May 4, 2020

The Lord will shepherd us...

Yesterday's reflection in Give Us This Day by Mary De Turris Poust was helpful to me and I am copying a part of it here:

"Over and over, we hear that God is calling us, which is a comfort that comes with sacrifice. Following God's call does not guarantee a life free of heartache or a life filled with riches or a life marked with ease. What it does guarantee is that no matter where that call takes us, we will not have to weather an of it alone. The Lord will shepherd us, seeking us out when we stray, pulling us back when we want to rush ahead, soothing our hearts and souls with a voice that is as familiar as our own breath--if we would just take the time to stop moving and doing and achieving and just listen for the One who has the answers to all the questions we're asking.
We want to trust, to fall back into God's arms and rest, but it's so difficult because the world has told us that we're the ones in control. Today, stop grasping and let go. Trust. Listen. You are called, chosen, beloved."

One good thing that many are finding with the "shelter in place" is that there is more time for prayer, for silent listening, and for taking time to hear the Word of God by reading again the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles.

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