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Friday, May 22, 2020

Thought from the retreat in daily life

My retreat group ended the complete Exercises of St. Ignatius with a very good sharing. We shall continue to meet to pray together and share, but I guess I will share a few things that have come clear to me as I look back over the 34 weeks of retreat. First, a retreat in daily life is always a grace. It helped me to turn often to Jesus during the day. One thing that stands out is how grateful I am for all the little things in my life as well as the big.
During the retreat I was aware of how wonderful my parents were; I was also aware of my own desire to stay with Jesus and how I have found Him in the Blessed Sacrament in so many chapels and churches during my whole life. I am also aware that I need to cultivate compassion. These are all graces to thank for this week.
I am sure that each of my reader has a list and I again suggest keeping a gratitude journal. (My own Journal is a mixture of whatever the day brought to mind, but I write directly addressing Jesus).

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