I am still with the Gospel of the Third Sunday of Easter. I think that we often just want to move on before we are finished praying with a passage. Jesus seems to be on the shore and calling to me. I can identify with the apostles who went fishing with Peter. Peter went back to his first call, his ordinary work. He toiled all night and with the dawn found Jesus waiting for him. He was willing to trust the one who called out from the shore, even though he did not yet know that it was Jesus. He obeyed, cast his net as directed, and found that there were now so many fish that they could not pull in the net. Sometimes it is that act of trust that makes all fruitful.
I love Peter jumping into the water to arrive more quickly to be with Jesus. And I never tire of contemplating that scene where Jesus has prepared breakfast for his friends. There is something so tender and human about building a fire to have fish cooked for these hungry men who have toiled all night without any success. Without Jesus, their nets would still be empty. When the disciple whom Jesus loved cried out, "It is the Lord" no one doubted as they immediately remembered the first, unexpected and immense catch when Jesus called them to leave all and follow Him. I think this Gospel reminds me of my first call and then the fact that Jesus is still calling me. He may wait until dawn to appear on the shore, but He is there and all is well. No matter what happens, especially success, I need to remember, "It is the Lord" and He is still calling me.
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