Today is the last day of Advent and Christmas eve; tonight we celebrate again the birth of Christ. Let us spend some time today in preparing our hearts and the gift we wish to offer Jesus tonight. He wants us to give ourselves to him; to open our hearts to receive him.
He was born in an open stable; maybe it was just a cave used as a stable. Why would God choose this poor place for the birth of his only Son? It was accessible to all. The poor and the outcasts could come and feel welcome.
Jesus came as a baby; Paul will tell us that he was like us in all things except sin.
He is helpless, vulnerable, and waits for us.
I felt happy with the Christmas card that came today from the Mother House of the Society of the Sacred Heart. It reminded us that the Society first set foot on Asian soil in January 1908. "In celebrating 100 years in Asia, we ask you to rejoice with us that God's tender mercy has been discovered and revealed in Japan, China, India, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines and Indonesia."
Dear Helen,
Blessed Christmas greetings from Malaysia, Asia.
Dear Alex,
Merry Christmas from your faithful prayer partner. You have written so many good things and I appreciate your sharing with me. Love and prayer, Helen
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