John the Baptist gave his life in witness to truth and justice. We are all called to witness to the truth. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life."
When I entered high school at the Academy of the Sacred Heart we were adopting a new textbook for the religion class. I do not recall the contents of the book at all now, but I will never forget the words written on the cover: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." These words of Jesus made a deep impression on me and have stayed with me. These same words, written in white on a blue cover as I remember, came back to me in my retreat this summer. They give us all much to meditate on today.
John the Baptist was courageous. He prepared the way for the Way; he spoke the truth and pointed to the Truth; and then he gave his life for him who is Life.
This is not what I thought I was going to write, but it will do. I have an all-day planning meeting at the University today and my car is still up there as it would not start last night; I also discovered that the phone is not working in my office, but all this seems trivial when I know that a hurricane is causing terrible loss and I heard the New Orleans is evacuating again! Let us pray for all affected.
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