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Monday, February 16, 2009

Tall stands the Tree beside the stream...

Today I want to share with you the hymn for the Morning Office as I think it will give you much to reflect on during the day as it is a real meditation:

Tall stands the Tree beside the stream,
Where living waters flow;
Wide-flung the branches, cool the shade,
Where all the weary go.

Fresh green the leaves for healing giv'n,
Bright gold the new-pressed oil
That runs as balm upon the banks
Toward which the weary toil.

Deep-scarred the bark, but sweet the wine
That pours down, last and best,
And rich the table spread below,
Where all the weary rest.

Sing praise to God, the gardener
Whose labors never cease
To make beneath the Tree of Life
For all the weary, peace.

The Gospel has the Pharisees again who "began to argue with Jesus, seeking from him a sign from heaven to test him." Jesus, Mark tells us, sighed from the depth of his spirit. "Why does this generation seek a sign? Amen I say to you, no sign will be given..." Then Jesus got into the boat and went off to the other shore.

I am not one to ask for signs, but feel that the Lord often gives them. This seems to happen to some more than others. It is only when we have faith that we see signs, when we are able to trust - never if trying to test Jesus.

Today we celebrate a national holiday in honor of two great Presidents: George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Both were men of integrity and may our present political leaders imitate them. Let us pray for all those in government that they may be honest, committed to the common good, and people of integrity.

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