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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Growing Older

This will just be a personal reflection as I approach my 78th birthday. First, I admit that I am growing older and that I can look back now on a life full of graces. This gives me both joy and gratitude. I can never begin to thank the Lord enough for all the gifts and graces he has bestowed on me. I suspect that one of the joys of old age is being able to look back and name these graces.

Relationships are precious and fill me with gratitude for so many wonderful people that the Lord has put into my life. I also find myself wanting to reach out to others and keep these relationships - some are now in the Communion of Saints, but what a blessing to have so many friends in heaven; I also am now making an effort to stay in touch with the friends left on earth. It gives me joy, too, to find that the Lord keeps sending new friends into my life; the Internet makes it easy to share our lives with one another.

I am finding time now just to allow the Lord to love me. I no longer think it is my activity that counts, but am content just to do what the Lord shows me is pleasing to him. Resting in his heart is becoming my main occupation - or at least the desire for this quiet being with the Lord no matter what the day brings. (At least this is true on some days!)

I think there is also a certain wisdom that comes with growing older; we see things in perspective and have a better grasp of the essential. I suspect I am also more aware of my own limitations and that helps me to be humble and keep silence, to discern and be content with God. What more can we want?


Anonymous said...

I always ask people this question: Do you ever stop learning? I believe we always are learning and making new discoveries. From the perspective of someone who is older and wiser than I am, have you continued learning?

Unknown said...

Dear HElen,
Relationships are very important to me also. I can't believe that we have known each other for at least 55 years even though we have not been in contact all that time. For years I treasured a picture of you I took at Clifton; I remember being surprised to see you in Rome at the Trinita; and then to meet up with you again at the Southern Area Quad. What a life we have led-different apths but they all lead in the same direction!I too ahvemuch ot be grateful for.
Happy Birthday dear Friend.
Love and peace,

Helen said...

Cathy, it is good to hear from you; I had forgotten about seeing you in Rome but you bring back good memories of Clifton. You are one that encouraged me to continue with a daily blog, too. Thank you.

I also had a question from anonymous about life-long learning. I think that we keep learning every day no matter what our age; reflection on our experience is one way to learn!!

Anonymous said...

I agree! I love to look back and read my old journals and see how far I've come and how much I've learned!

Unknown said...

Re Anonymous' question; a wise man once told me that when I stop learning I am dead.I often reflect on that and share it with my students. I also let them know how much I learn from them.