This is a feast day for the Society of the Sacred Heart and for every old pupil of the Sacred Heart. All over the world alumni of the Sacred Heart gather for Mass and some social time in honor of Mater, the statue of Our Lady that was painted as a fresco in a niche in the corridor at the Trinite dei Monti in Rome by Pauline Pedreau. The original Mater has worked miracles and alumnae from all over the world journey to Rome to climb the Spanish Steps to the convent to visit with Mater. She is depicted as the young Mary in the temple at prayer and in a pink dress. She has an open book and work-basket at her side. Students have loved this version of Mary and a statue or a picture of Mater is venerated in every school of the Sacred Heart throughout the world.
I was startled to find many images of Mater Admirabilis (Mother most Admirable) when I did a Google search. I immediately recognized the statue that still is at the Academy of the Sacred Heart in St. Charles. We used to put the basketball in her lap before games and our hockey sticks at her feet and many a student has hidden a note asking help in school either in her lap or in the numerous folds of her pink gown. She is a true mother and watches over all her children, even when they have grown old. May she always be loved and honored by her many children!
When I attended a Sacred Heart school as a child, we had a large statue of Mater. I can relate to your story about the basketballs, hockey sticks, and notes. Often, when we we had important things on our mind, we would rub Mater's foot for blessings as we passed by. The statue's foot had been rubbed so many times, the paint on the shoe was beginning to wear off!
You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it
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