I seem to have misplaced my missalette and so am writing without the Scripture in front of me this morning. I know that the Gospel has the widow who persists in imploring the corrupt judge for justice. Jesus tells the story to show that if we persevere in prayer we will be heard. It is a test of our faith to keep counting on God even when it seems that our prayers are not being answered. I think God loves us to trust him as a child trusts - and, although children can be annoying when they keep after us for something, is it not true that we often manage to give them what they want? It is not just to keep them from pestering us; we see how much something means to them and how strong their desire is for something that we know is good and so we also want this for them. I am making a distinction between what will be for our good as God always answers prayer, but sometimes it is what is for our good and not exactly what we were asking for.
Yesterday, we had a beautiful celebration for the Feast of Mater with a group of international alumnae from all over - France, Spain, Cuba, Puerto Rica, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, as well as different schools and colleges of the Sacred Heart in the United States. We had a lovely Mass in the new library at our school here in Miami (about 150 alums) and the junior high choir sang so well. It was a lovely day and I wanted to share it with some of my readers who I know are alums.
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