I love the story of Jesus walking with the two disciples who do not recognize him. Jesus drew near to them and just "walked with them" and asked them, "What are you discussing as you walk along?"
Cleopas,(the other disciple we do not know the name of but it could have been his wife) asks Jesus if he is the only visitor to Jerusalem who doesn't know what has taken place. Jesus asks, "What sort of things?" He wants them to tell him so he can show them how the Scriptures have indicated what did come to pass. Then, when they reach their village, Jesus gave the impression that he was going on, but they urged him to stop saying, "Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over."
So Jesus goes in with them to a simple Sunday night supper. They recognize him in the breaking of the bread. Then Jesus vanishes from their sight and they are filled with energy and retrace their steps the seven miles to Jerusalem to tell the others "what had taken place on the way and how he was made known to them in the breaking of bread."
When we recognize Jesus in our daily life, we feel more energy; we want to spread the good news. Let us remember that we can always find Jesus in the Eucharist! He waits for us.
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