I am using the Little White Book today for my blog as I was struck with what Bishop Ken Untener said about the generosity of Jesus. Ken died in 2004 but the Little Books with six minute meditations based on his writings keep appearing so that people have a help for prayer. Today's meditation is on this passage from today's Gospel of John 3:31-36:
Jesus said: "The one whom god sent speaks the words of God. He does not ration his gift of the Spirit. The Father loves the Son and has given everything over to him. Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life."
That phrase catches one's eye: "He does not ration his gift of the Spirit."
Jesus isn't miserly with his gifts. He's like a grandmother serving up a Thanksgiving dinner, with enough food for an army.
We see his bountiful generosity everywhere in the Gospels. Look at John's Gospel alone. At Cana, Jesus doesn't dole out the wine (and good wine at that). He provides over 20 gallons. In the miracle of the loaves, 12 basketfuls are left over. When the disciples can't catch an fish, he miraculously provides not a pail-full, but over 150 fish. And when the woman anointed Jesus at Bethany with costly perfumes oil (over 300 days' wages worth), he defends her largesse.
No, Jesus isn't miserly. Neither is his Father who gave his only Son. Neither is the Holy Spirit who floods God's life upon us.
God doesn't dole out gifts on the basis of quantity or even the quality of the recipient: "He makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust."
The Easter season is one long celebration of God's goodness. Today's time with the Lord might well be a time of thank-you's. It's a beautiful, easy (and sometimes overlooked) way to pray.
Now, just spend some quiet time with Jesus thanking him for his generosity.
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