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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Heart of Jesus and a chain of souls

I feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life and hope you are feeling the Spirit's action in yours, too. I am using for my "walking" prayer this week, "Come, Holy Spirit and kindle your love in me!

Yesterday we looked at the first circular letter that Madeleine Sophie wrote to the Society of the Sacred Heart. After the approbation of the Constitutions in 1826 by Pope Leo XII, Sophie wrote again to tell the Society of this proof of love of the Sacred Heart that should fill their hearts with gratitude. Later Sophie speaks of the Heart of Jesus as "the principle of all our unity, to which all should be clearly united who compose the chain, whose last link should be joined to that Adorable Center." This concept of forming a chain of souls linked together and united to the Heart of Christ will be developed in the Society later as it is one based on union with the Heart of Jesus.

I wonder how many of us still make the "Morning Offering"? It is a great prayer so I am copying it here to sanctify every moment of our days:
"O Jesus, through the most pure heart of Mary, I offer you all the prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day for all the intentions of your most Sacred Heart in union with the holy sacrifice of the Eucharist, and I offer them especially for the Holy Father's Intentions this month(this changes each month but can be found on Sacred Space, one of the prayer sites I have listed on the right side of my blog or you can just end with the last two lines:
I pray with Mary and the whole Church
For the Pope's intentions this month."

I drew the gift of Piety on the Feast of Pentecost and one of my resolutions is to return to making the formal offering of the day to Jesus! I hope my readers will, too. The fruit of the Holy Spirit that I drew for this year is Charity - I like both and hope the Holy Spirit will increase both my piety and love this year!

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