Some wonder how I spend my days now that I am not in isolation. I usually have a plan, but today it was a mixed up day as I went to the doctor but I will try to describe my more ordinary days. I get up around six in order to shower and pray before breakfast at 7:30. I return to my room to pray, look at the Pope App, and sometimes commentaries on the Scripture for the Mass. About 8:45 I go to the Chapel for the 9:00 Mass. After Mass, I go straight to the exercise room for about an hour and fifteen minutes as I try to have thirty minutes on both machines and another 15 minutes for weights and exercises given me to do daily by the physical therapist. At 11:00 I cool down by reading the newspaper, return to room, check e-mail and read until 11:45 when we go for the main meal. Sometimes I am sitting at a table where the conversation continues to 1:00. Then I either rest or go for a walk or have a half hour twice a week with the physical therapist. At 2:30 I go to the exercise videos with some of the community. At 3:00 I cool down, go to gouter and then the
Chapl for afternoon prayer which I love. On Monday and
Wednesday's we have reunion with all the community and then supper at 5:15. Some then play games or watch TV but I go to my room and I usually go to bed by 8:30. Not an exciting day perhaps, but there are always things to do or sign up for but I have been concentrating on exercising. In one sense, my day is contemplative and, having spent so many weeks in isolation, I find myself talking to Jesus more during the day. It is a wonderful place to be, but I still feel that I need to go back to Miami.
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