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Wednesday, December 21, 2022

First Day of Winter


This is the longest day and one of the coldest days of the year. We are having more cold days than ever, or so it seems to me. So much of the country is having bad weather, not just cold, but snow and ice, blizzards, and tornadoes. I am not complaining but do think I should perhaps begin to use my heater!

The title of today's reflection in my "Giving Us This Day" is "Lean into the Yearning". Advent is a time of yearning. We long for the birth of our Savior who comes to remind us each Christmas that He is always with us, always loving us. We are the ones who forget His Presence in our lives and so we need the reminder each year at Christmas. God chose to be one of us; both fully human and divine. He comes as a helpless baby, vulnerable, needy, seeking to love us and be loved in return. Let us try to let our desire, our yearning, for love, for peace, for joy spring forth for Christ is coming and coming soon!

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